1920's Southwest Model OK7 Visible Gas Pump

Original Southwest Pump Co Model OK7 Texaco Visible pump
Welcome to StreetDreamsTexas as we go into our 26th year in the classic automobile business. We are hosting a classic car-truck and memorabilia auction November 1st guns and memorabilia and Nov. 2nd. For cars, trucks and trailers. Offered here is an original Texaco visible pump circa 20's built by Southwest Pump Co. from Bonham, Texas. This pump came from a ranch as decor in front of the barn and is a great outdoor decoration that would also be great in a restaurant or wherever. It retains the glass cylinder that has turned blue over the years. The original glass could be worth 1000 dollars by itself. This is a great pump and again will be auctioned off November 1st here on sight and via online bidding. Stay tuned for more great items. Thank you for looking